The Journey

A Melos Teaching School applicant is:
  • A Christian with a strong personal faith, actively serving in their local church
  • Life-long learner
  • Collaborative
  • Socially engaged
  • Critical and creative thinker
A Melos Teaching School student is:
  • Engaged with their tertiary study, Teaching School and school community
  • Committed to learning
  • Committed to work with their dedicated Mentor
  • Teacher to support the development of their practice
A Melos Teaching School Graduate Teacher is:
  • Godly in character
  • Professional in their work and conduct
  • Passionate about teaching and the formation of students
  • A strong advocate for Christian education
  • Committed to teaching based on a biblically-informed world and life view


The Trainee experience will consist of:
  • Study with the tertiary provider of your choice
  • 1 day per week paid school placement within a member school with a dedicated Mentor Teacher
  • Learning Circles with the Melos Teaching School to support your formation and readiness for teaching